Privacy Policy
- Privacy Policy
The KYOTOGRAPHIE website (hereinafter, the Website) is op-erated by the KYOTOGRAPHIE Inc. When making use of this Website, please be aware of the following points. Further, the Committee may make changes to the conditions of use of this Website, in which case an updated Site Policy will be re-pub-lished on this page. Please check for the latest information.
- Disclaimer
- Please be aware in advance that the information presented on this Website may be updated, changed or removed without warn-ing. The information published on the Website is done so upon due attention to, consideration and confirmation of its accuracy. However, the Committee can accept no responsibility whatsoever for any of the actions of users making use of the information of the Website. The Committee will on no event be held responsible for any damages arising from making use of the content by any possibility. The Committee does not warrant that interruption of functions or errors will not occur, or that any computer virus or other harmful codes are non-existent in the Website and the web server when making use of the Website. Please be aware in advance that the configuration of the Website, conditions of utili-zation, URL and the content may be changed or terminated, and the operation of the Website may be interrupted or terminated without warning. The Committee can accept no responsibility for any damages whatsoever resulting from the above mentioned changes, interruption or termination of the operation of the Web-site. The content presented on websites of any third parties except the Committee, linked from or to the Website (hereinafter, the Linked Sites), are managed and operated in the responsibility of the respective third parties, and not under the supervision of the Committee. The Committee does not take responsibility for any content of the Linked Sites nor any damages whatsoever resulting from using those sites.
- Copyright
- The copyright and other rights for all content such as the texts, images, maps, design, and data appearing on the Website belong to the Committee, the original authors, or other right holders. It is strongly prohibited to make secondary use of the content in such ways as to reproduce, divert, sell, summarize, alter, adapt, upload, display, transmit publicly, make transmittable, distribute, or publish.
- Links
- Please feel free to link to the Website, though the Committee would appreciate being notified of the linking. In the case of linking, please inform us of the following information: linking website URL, the name of the person responsible for the website and his/her address and telephone number, and whether a link-ing icon is used or not. Please be aware in advance that the Com-mittee may refuse to accept linking depending on the content of the linking URL, the business content of the manager of the web-site, the method of linking, or influences which may exert on the Committee.
- Protection of Personal Information
- The Committee will strictly comply with the Japanese Personal Information Protecting Law and other laws in respect to the pro-tection of personal information. The Committee will take preven-tive measures against imposer access, loss, damage, falsification or leakage of the personal information of its customers.
- Collection of Personal Information
- The Committee may collect personal information from custom-ers on the Website. The range of the information to be collected will remain within the confines of achieving the purpose of its use. When collecting personal information from customers, the Committee shall do so upon defining the purpose of the use of such information, and make certain that it will be used exclusive-ly for achieving that purpose. Upon achievement of the purpose of its use, the collected personal information will without delay be discarded and deleted. The Committee, with the exception of cases according to law and those in which customers consent oth-erwise, will use the collected personal information only within the purpose specified at the time of collecting it or announced publicly.
- Provision of Personal Information
- The Committee will never disclose or provide personal informa-tion of customers to third parties except the delegated parties to whom duties are entrusted by the Committee without their con-sent. However, the Committee may disclose or provide personal information without consent of customers in the case that it is required by law, or that the Committee needs to do so to protect human life, or the body or property of somebody.
- Contact